Stay Above the Fray

April 17, Day 107/365

Taylor Ellison
2 min readApr 17, 2022
Photo by Johann Walter Bantz on Unsplash

The Daily Laws by Robert Greene, Pg. 139

Regard it as more courageous not to become involved in an engagement than to win in battle, and where there is already one interfering fool, take care that there shall not be two. — Baltasar Gracian

Do not let people drag you into their petty fights and squabbles. At the same time, you cannot completely stand aside, for that would cause needless offense. To play the game properly, you must seem interested in other people’s problems, even sometimes appear to take their side. But while you make outward gestures of support, you must maintain your inner energy and sanity by keeping your emotions disengaged. No matter how hard people try to pull you in, never let your interest in their affairs and petty squabbles go beyond the surface. Give them gifts, listen with a sympathetic look, even occasionally play the charmer — but inwardly keep both the friendly kinds and the perfidious tyrants at arm’s length. By refusing to commit and thus remaining your autonomy, you retain the initiative: your moves stay matters of your own choosing, not defensive reactions to the push-and-pull of those around you.

Daily Law: Always try to inwardly maintain your independence and avoid entanglements not of your choosing.

The 48 Laws of Power, Law 20: Do Not Commit to Anyone.



Taylor Ellison

Happily divorced, single mom, reviewing books and managing a Bookstagram account as if people actually care about what I have to say. Posting weekly.