Josh Duggar’s Wife Breaks Silence

via Instagram

Taylor Ellison
3 min readFeb 8, 2022

Most Americans are familiar with the name ‘Duggar’ from the TLC cable program, 19 Kids and Counting. Josh Duggar being the oldest of 19 children to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, now has seven children of his own. Josh has been married to Anna since 2008, only one year before she gave birth to their first daughter.

As part of the fundamental Christian belief, “purity culture” entails waiting to have sex until the wedding night, then waiting to kiss and hold hands until the wedding ceremony. The taboo of sex creates a mystery and secrecy that likely led Josh Duggar down the path of sexually abusing his sisters and baby sitters, infidelity, then eventually possessing child sex abuse material which will likely result in long-term prison sentencing.

During the Ashley Madison scandal, Josh Duggar’s name was released as one of the men using the services while married to Anna. Anna was interviewed about the Madison data leak, but chose to support her husband despite the sex worker’s alleged report of Josh’s physical violence during each encounter.

Anna knows her husband has been unfaithful in her marriage and that he admitted to sexually abusing his sisters when he was a minor, resulting in yard work and a stern talk from Jim Bob. One would think Anna might leave her husband if the FBI raids the…



Taylor Ellison
Taylor Ellison

Written by Taylor Ellison

Happily divorced, single mom, reviewing books and managing a Bookstagram account as if people actually care about what I have to say. Posting weekly.

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